Sales Training

Management Team

Sales Training

You've probably heard, and may have even said, "the product sells itself." However, the best product in the world won't matter if no one knows about it, or buys it.

Many small business owners and entrepreneurs are product focused, and rightly so. However, strategic and tactical sales techniques are critical to any companies success. Creating a sales process that is efficient in prospecting, nurturing, closing and on-boarding is essential. Creating a sales infrastructure is as important as creating a manufacturing, development or accounting infrastructure. However, it is often overlooked. The system in which you generate leads; accumulate, track and nurture those leads; convert those leads into potential customers; close those potential customers; and on-board them as customers or accounts is a sales process. A Customer Relationship Management program or CRM is often used to manage this process. We can help your company set up a sales process and implement it.

Once you have a strategic sales process, you need a tactically capable sales staff. Your accountant is trained and certified, your engineers are highly qualified, your operators and production staff is PMP certified or OSHA certified or have some type of certification. However, your sales staff might have some experience that you may not have even verified. Sales is the highest paid profession in which no formal training or certification is required, yet your business and all of your employees rely on them to be successful. Even if your sales people are good, how much better could they be if properly trained on questioning techniques to uncover needs and properly present product features, and more importantly benefits, in an organized process that methodically moves a potential customer through the psychological buying process.  

Consider this, if you don't have a sales process, CRM, lead generating and lead nurturing program you are virtually neglecting the most important group of people to your business, your potential customers. Furthermore, if you don't have a sales training program or hire a highly trained sales staff, you are leaving the future of your business to chance. 

We can help your company implement a sales process and train your staff to reach goals only not thought possible. Contact us for a sales process assessment!

Any sales person who tells me, "sales training is worthless. I've been doing this for years," I instantly know they aren't a true professional. Real professionals are always willing to learn, and know they can always improve!"-Darin Wilson, Owner


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